Wednesday, May 04, 2005

New Neighbors at Kennedy Plaza

May 4, 2005 is the grand opening of a Providence Police Sub-Station at Kennedy Plaza. The Sub-Station will be located at the west side of the ticket building. I'm sure this will make my "dead zone" even more dead. Who wants to hang out inbetween the police and city hall. But hey, more authority to protest for my project.

Evolution of My Project

As a result of discussing my on-site investigations at Kennedy Plaza with my Professor I determined that Kennedy Plaza has a flaw in its design. The problem is that there is a dead zone that is created in the area between the Ticket Terminal and the steps of City Hall. The architecture there establishes a position that the city wants to remain closed off from the people. Elements such as the front City Hall door being locked up and two rows of bollard and chains prevent any movement from Kennedy Plaza to the steps of City Hall.

The steps of City Hall have traditionally been an area for citizens to protest from city to city. The remainder of the semester will be a focus on creating a new system that allows Providence citizens to protest freely, activating the existing dead zone.