Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Week 2 Discussion

Class began with a discussion of last weeks reading assigments on C5:Database Logic and Locative Arts. Dialogue opened with a discussion of the C5:Database Logic(s) article. Both articles were assigned as an introduction to different areas of exploration for the class. What follows are ideas that interested me from the discussion.

Inflection of data/culture--how you manage data is a cultural reference.

Hand vs. Machine, or a Digital Process--Drafting vs. AutoCAD. This topic was actually brought up in another class of mine, which is why it interested me, and has a great deal to do with my first assignment for that class--take a hand drafted garden plan and trace it in AutoCAD. I am very interested in the overlay of the two because there are many instances where the digital tool cannot replicate the hand, and at what point do I give in or give up trying a set of commands to replicate the original form. This raises interesting questions like if I am designing my own plan, do I rely on the command set given to me, or do I make the commands follow what I want to create.

What is the relationship between tools and consciousness? What role does time play? What type of base references do we rely on? How is the human element accomodated?

What base references are being used by software and digital media designers? What assumptions do they make about their users and how do they expect the user to develop a new skill set? Do they meet the human half-way, or expect them to learn new media from scratch?

Technology vs. Body--error of human nature/function replaced by dependence on machine.

The discussion of the Locative Media article opened with an observation that digital media has a backwards progression in relation to place. Backwards in the sense that other media or art is created with a place in mind, or a place of instalation from the beginning. Wtih digital media there are so many outcomes that one must seek a final destination.

Our prefessor recommended that we read "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" by Walter Benjamin that appears in a collection of essays titled "Illuminations" by Hannah Arendt.

We then were directed to various websites as creative food which are listed in my links.

The class closed with our first assignment where we are to use such media devices as GPS or Wi-Fi to travel around the city, or a specific site and develop a map of our interest.


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